We are an online think tank for issues surrounding productivity and the strive for life balance.
We know that every person defines life balance differently. Yet, we all strive for “it”. On this site, we confront topics with open and honest dialogue. We share and so do our readers, real-life solutions so we can all achieve more of what we want – balance in life.
Is life balance illusive? We understand everyone has a different definition if “what is a balanced life?” We don’t think being in balance is illusive. We do know from personal experience it’s not easy. The challenges and techniques will differ based on your age and life stage, your personality style, your experience and knowledge of what works for you and…your willingness to make a change.
At different times, we all have unique needs for assistance. Sometimes we scream, “Just tell me how to do it!” At other times, we want some thought provoking discussion to mull over. You will get both here. Plus, we throw in some appropriate humor to keep us all smiling!
The ultimate goal for the writers on the Center for Productivity team, and those we serve, is to have life balance. We are in the process of structuring the site to address issues from the perspective of three different stages of life: college-age/young adults; sandwich generation folks (those raising children and dealing with their aging parents); and the senior crowd. Plus, as we see or develop tools, techniques, and programs to help you be more effective and lead a balanced life, we’ll share them with you.
Please look around. Comment when a post drives you to say something. Ask us to address a certain topic. Please sign up for our list (on the right) so you’ll know when we post something new.
We’re just glad you’re here!
The Center for Productivity Team