Category: Work-Life Balance

  • Get Organized Month – What are you doing?

    January is Get Organized Month sponsored by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO). (Yes, there is such a group!)

    Of 400 adults polled in a November 2008 public survey:

    • 96 percent said they would save time every day by becoming more organized
    • Among those 96 percent, 15 percent felt they could save more than an hour each day—for a total of more than 15 days per year—if they were more organized at home. And 30 percent felt they could save at least 30 minutes each day—or more than an entire week per year—if they were more organized at home
    • 65 percent of the respondents noted that their household was at least moderately disorganized
    • 27 percent said they felt disorganized at work

    This is a perfect month because we are all thinking of new goals, new habits, letting go of stuff and wanting to be more productive. The stores are full of plastic storage containers and 2012 planners. It can be overwhelming to know where to start or to do it alone. Well, you don’t have to. No matter where you are there is usually a NAPO member close by.

    I’m a member of NAPO and it’s great to see so many of my colleagues offering special programs for Get Organized Month. Check out the NAPO website – there might be class (many of them are free) – near you or available online or via the phone.

    My personal tip to you…

    Use this as an opportunity to get more organized somewhere in your life. We all need a little push sometimes. It’s not hokey or pathetic. It’s human nature!

    I started this month my getting my schedule more organized and in line with how I want to live my life. Read my post on Creating an Ideal Schedule if you need this too. I also spent half a day reorganizing and clearing off my desk. I can’t tell you how much better I feel.

    So…what are doing (or want to do) to get organized? 

    Keep moving forward…

  • Boring is good…sometimes

    Creative Commons License photo credit: Idhren

    Two things occurred this week that made me ponder on life being in balance.

    First, since it is early January, when I saw friends and asked them about their Christmas, many replied that they were relieved how quiet it was. Because the whole season was frantic and stressful, they kept the actual holiday weekend low-key and simple. They invariably said, “Boring but good.” I had to reply, “I agree, because we did the same thing.”

    Then, in getting my bi-annual teeth cleaning, my dentist asked me if I had allergies, health issues and any life changes they should know about. My response was “No, how boring.”

    In reflection, we often think of boring in a negative way. We think that nothing is going on and we are a Loser. In all truthfulness, and especially in these two cases, we should feel good and think of it in a positive way.

    I am blessed to have no allergies or health issues. (Heck I just found out I still have no cavities at age 50! How many people can say that?) My friends and I are lucky to have had a reduced amount of stress at one of the busiest times of the years. We all deserve  to be boring! So now I’m looking for more ways in my own life to say “boring is good.”

    Please do share…what is boring in your life that makes you feel good?

    Keep moving forward…

  • Get your life back into FLOW

    I believe that deep down, when we need more work-life balance, we have a desire for order in our lives. Order allows us to feel calm and less stressed. When this happens, not only do things click into place around you, but you actually feel it. I call this achieving FLOW. You know you are in FLOW when you Feel Light, Organized and Whole.

    FLOW happens when you have a system that works. It brings results with minimal resistance. Things just happen…

    Like I said, you know when you have the feeling of FLOW. If you aren’t sure how you feel, then quickly ask yourself what your FLOW Meter is saying right now. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being high. If you are a 4 or 5, great! Keep doing what you’re doing.

    If you gave yourself a 1 – 3 rating, then its time to figure out some alternatives so you can feel the positive FLOW of life again.

    Here’s a four step process to get yourself back into forward momentum. Take out a sheet paper and actually write down your answers. Our minds process better when we see the options in front of us.

    1. Focus on the problem. Ask yourself, “What is stopping my FLOW?” Get clarity on the actual problem.
    2. List your options. Assess your alternatives and ask, “What can I do differently?” We always have alternatives. If you need help, ask someone you trust for ideas.
    3. Outline your resources. Step back and think about “Who or what can I use to help?” Contrary to how many of us think, you don’t have to do it alone. It could be people or tools.
    4. Work on the plan. It’s not enough to think about when and how to make a change – take action! You have to get started,

    So when you find yourself zig zagging around, think FLOW. Stop to consider ways to get back in FLOW.

    Let me know how this works for you!


    Image attribution: Rod Allday via Wikimedia Commons